Friday, June 19, 2015

Row by Row Shop Hop Exclusive Keepsakes!

 The Row By Row Shop Hop starts across the nation in just a few days.  The official start date is Sunday, 6/21, but since that is Father's Day we will not be open.  We will kick off on Monday AM at 9:00.  Our pattern, designed by Laurel, is called Walleye Chop.  It fits in well with the "Water" theme.  The pattern is our gift to you, but you must be physically present in the store to claim it.  That is part of the Row by Row Book of Law for all shops.  Kits are available for purchase if you want the same fabrics that were used in our sample.  They are packaged in this nice little zipper bag.

And in case you aren't familiar with what Walleye Chop means, I have to tell you that it's not some kind of chopped fish meal!  It's a reference to the somewhat choppy waters on a lake that are favorable for catching walleyes, quite possibly the best fish to come out of a Minnesota lake!
If you are traveling to Minnesota from another state, try to find a place that serves some good walleye.  I had a great walleye meal at Gluek's Brewery in downtown Minneapolis before a Twins' game, it's real close to the stadium, so you could have walleye and a Twins game all at once!  Anyway, back to the Shop Hop!

We have some Row By Row souvenir pins, and a special acrylic ruler that is a very handy size (you might want more than 1, so get yours soon!).  And tshirts and caps will be on hand very soon, so you can be fully outfitted in proper Row by Row attire!

Of course, we have the official Row by Row fabric on hand--

I have to say that for me, personally, these prints are so much more appealing than last year's.  They would go so well with the fabrics in our row!

And finally, our license plate!  Our order for these plates is still being printed, and we will need to take orders for them so they can be mailed out once the shipment arrives.  I think the slogan says it all!  Happy stitchin' to all of you, and enjoy the Row by Row Shop Hop!

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