Wednesday, June 3, 2015

New fabric selections!

More Christmas fabric on the shelf!  And the vintage ice skates seem to be a common thread with 2 other fabric groups we already have---

I never did very well on those ice skates as a kid, it was much more challenging to stay upright than what it looked like on the Olympics!  Maybe the fact that the pond was in the cow pasture didn't really help!

And, our much awaited first shipment of Quilt MN 2015 fabric is in the store!  We can take pre-orders for any of the yardage, plus 5" squares, 10" squares and 2 1/2" strip packs.  We just have a couple bolts of each right now, enough to put some out on the shelf and cut more for our store samples in the works.

I have been working on another exclusive pattern for these fabrics, which will be available for purchase soon!  Along with a kit, of course, if you choose!  It's only on paper and scrap fabric so far, but I will be ready to cut and sew the real stuff before long.  That's if I get more progress made on our little home improvement project with my husband!  We are replacing carpet with laminate wood flooring in a loft area of our home, and my evenings and some weekend time has been focused on moving this along!  This is in part due to the fact that everything that had been on the loft (desks, computers, storage, shelves, etc.) is now crammed into my sewing space!  Makes it look like an episode of the Hoarders in there!  So I am motivated to get this done and get my space back!

New wood flooring!  Yay!
Nowhere near done!  Ugh!

Call us (651-429-1039) to order your Minnesota fabric!

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