Friday, April 10, 2015

Haste Makes Waste

Well, I did sew together the April assigned blocks for Gypsy Wife.  They are the ones with a checkmark in the photo below.  But I am going to have to backtrack a bit and fix a couple problems.  
  1. That block in the bottom row with the green center looks really out of shape, so I need to go back and press it into submission.  Otherwise it is a do-over.
  2. The top left block is going to the chopping block.  It was not supposed to look like the black hole.  Way too dark.  A new plan for the colors is needed.
  3. The little square-in-a-square block lower right also needs a do-over.  I had some nice black on white text fabric in the center, but forgot that it would look so different with the corner pieces attached.  It came out looking odd with the white gap in the middle.

So, as you see, there is always a chance to edit!  I do like that heart block in the top row, it gives me a little Gypsy Wife love!

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