Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Did You Say Free Fabric?

Yes!  Free Fabric in 2015!

We are always trying to come up with fun things for our customers and think you will like this one! We do have the greatest customers in the world (yes, the world!).  We have several customer rewards in different forms, but Debbie has put on her thinking cap to come up with a new one! 

If you purchase $200 of merchandise right now (before 12/23) you will get a special reward for all of 2015.  Your purchases include everything (except gift certificates) that you buy in the quilt shop during the month of December. This is retro-active from December 1 and will go to the end of day on December 23. After December 23, our computer sales tracker will run a report.  If you have spent $200 (or more) you will get.... drum roll please!

A free yard of fabric each month during 2015!

At the end of the 2014, we will mail you a "2015 Free Yard Card".   

Maybe looking like this--

Or this?

Come in each month, choose your yard (up to $12.50 per yard value) and we will cut it, bag it and stamp your card. 

And just to make sure that this reward is fair and square, here's the "fine print" again. 
  • You must have your card present for us to stamp. 
  • You can only redeem your yard during the actual month. 
  • No exceptions. 
  • No stopping in one month to redeem last months yard. 
  • You are responsible for keeping track of your card- no replacement cards available. 
  • If you purchase more than 1 yard from a bolt, the free yard will be subtracted from the total yardage. It's that simple!!
What will your pile of free fabric look like?

So hop on over to Bear Patch and make those purchases!  We have new fabric and notions and gifts and books and patterns all the time, so there is plenty to choose from!

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