Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Final Few

 Well, this is it!  We are up to 100 quilt blocks!  We started this journey back on April 16 and I personally have really enjoyed going through all of the blocks.  I feel a little invested in them, and almost like I made them myself in another life!  Kristina has featured another cute embroidery, a robot!

I hope you have enjoyed the journey, and maybe had a few "aha" moments when you saw a color combo or fabric mix that you had not thought of doing before.  Remember, these are all from scraps and grew out of the stack of bolts pictured below.  We can do amazing things with leftovers!

All that's left now is the finished quilt, and I know the blocks are in the process of going into rows.  We will all hold our breath to see it!  Thanks for following along, and if you have made up any of these blocks (or all of them!) please share in the comments.  We hope you have been inspired!

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