Tuesday, April 22, 2014

City Sampler 5, 6, 7, 8

Moving along with our block examples 
from Tula Pink's City Sampler--

Blocks 5, 6, 7, 8

I was very happy to see that I managed to get the little hedgehogs positioned right side up in block 5!  I am kinda fond of those little critters ever since my son had a pet hedgehog quite awhile ago.  His name was Nermal.  (The hedgehog, not my son!)  He was an odd little creature, but became friendly with the people he was familiar with.  I am just finishing up my own hedgehog quilt, soon to claim a spot on my bed once the binding is done.  
But enough about that!

These 4 blocks are part of the 1st chapter titled "Crosses", reflecting the style of design.  Many ways to display a similar look with a change here and there.

For a little more understanding of the process of this book, 
the author, Tula Pink, offers this explanation:

"You will notice...that the blocks are not named but simply numbered. This is intentional. I may have designed the blocks and given you the instructions on what to cut and where to stitch, but I have not infused the blocks with any meaning. This is your quilt. The fabrics that you choose, the colors that you use and why you are making it are what will give the quilt a purpose. Name your blocks, write in the margins, cross out the ones that you don't like, draw hearts around the ones that you love. In a perfect world, everyone's book would end up looking like a journal, coffee stains and all. The more adventurous ones might rename the book and write their own introduction. Tula Pink's City Sampler is a collaboration between you and me. I am the platform and you are the speaker, so stand on my shoulders and tell the future who you are and why you make."

Her comment about coffee stains is sooo appropriate and part of the story behind Kristina's block party.  A little more of the behind-the-scenes info!  Kristina acquired this book because of coffee stains!  A customer spilled a cup of coffee on our bookshelves (and promptly departed), leaving behind a mess of damaged books.  Unable to sell these to our customers, shop owner Debbie divvied them up amongst the people at work that day.  Kristina adopted this Tula Pink book, giving it a good home, coffee stains and all.  And now we all reap the benefits!

Stay tuned for more....

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