Thursday, August 1, 2013

SHHH--Don't Tell!

The Shop Hop Law Book says that the fabric can't leave the store until 8/2.  But the Quilt Police might be after me because I have violated the law.  This morning I was looking at the stacks of bolts in the storeroom, and thinking about how long they have been cooped up in there in hiding.  So I took a few out for a walk!  Seems like the humane thing to do, don't you think?  They got a wee bit of Vitamin D, and then it was back to the storeroom for them!  Waiting for you until Friday!  But getting very impatient!

Laurel brought in another new sample yesterday.  It is from Fast & Furious Home by GE Designs--I told you a couple days ago about Gudrun's great quilt-as-you-go technique.

Makes great use of a striped fabric, offset by the solid strips and corners.  You should give it a try!

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