Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cookin' Up Something Special!

We are smack dab in the middle of summer, so that means it's getting close to Quilt MN!  Starting August 2 and ending August 18, this is a statewide fabric fest to celebrate all things quilty.  I have enjoyed the opportunity each year to design a pattern or 2 that use the limited edition fabrics that are created especially for this event.  If you click on the link you can see them better than these 2 little pictures.  Even better, you can come into Bear Patch and see them live and in person!

 Below is an Electric Quilt rendition of one of the 2 quilt designs I am working on.  I have named it Wound Around because it kinda looks like it goes round and round if you follow the lines.

Wound Around by Emmaline Design for Quilt MN 2013

This quilt is on the longarm frame right now and perhaps could get finished tomorrow depending on interruptions.  You can see that the centers of the blocks use the 5" squares cut from the featured fabric. But this would make good use of any of those 5" squares you have collected, or any focus fabric with a motif close to that size that could be fussy cut.  If this looks like something you would be interested in making, please call to reserve your kit and/or pattern.  651-429-1039

Stay tuned for upcoming pictures of quilt #2 -- I think it might be named Slug Bug!


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