Friday, May 17, 2013

Quilt Market

We are sorting out our belongings, getting prepared for a full day of business at International Quilt Market.

We are in Portland, OR, for 3 days that are jam-packed with inspiration, people, events and seminars.  Everything aimed at making our quilt shop better than ever, so you, our loyal customers, will always love walking in the front door.

We arrived in Portland last night without mishap, unless you count the fact that Debbie's sinuses felt ready to explode and my stomach was doing flip-flops!

We are staying at Hotel 50 in downtown Portland right next to the Willamette River.  

It was very easy to find a nearby restaurant for our dinner last night, just a block to Dragonwell Bistro.

Then an exciting night on the town.  Well, not really!  We were pushing ourselves to stay up awhile to ignore the 2 hours time difference, but I still woke up way too early this morning.  So I will get my camera ready, walking shoes on, and snacks in my totebag so I don't run out of energy!  Watch for Debbie's updates on our Facebook page.  


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