Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thinking Outside of the Box

Yesterday I finished quilting a project for Genell and I wanted to share it with you as an example of how to think outside of the box.  This is Pie In The Sky, a pattern of my own design, which I published last summer when I made it using the 2012 Quilt MN fabrics.

Here is Genell's version---batiks---beautiful!

And my own quilt---

And another version I have been working on with my leftover selvedge edges---

I love to see the way we can all look at a design and visualize it a little differently.  That's why we have so many fabrics, right!?  And why we usually need a few more perfect prints to add to that stash, so one day we can see a new pattern and know that the perfect spot for that fabric has been found!
When I made my pattern and quilt, I used the Kaleidekite Ruler from Aardvark Quilts

Now I have noticed a new spiderweb ruler from Creative Grids that I need to take a look at to find out if it could also be a good ruler for this pattern.  When I have a spare moment I will get right on that!

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!

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