Saturday, March 2, 2013

Our Show of Projects

We have put together a little slideshow of just a portion of the things that have been underway during this retreat.  I tried to get a representation of all kinds of projects by as many people as I could.  It will take just a minute to load, and if you don't want to hear elevator music then shut off your speakers now!

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There is a whole lot of thread involved in this type of sewing, and last night we had a little bit of a contest.  I asked everyone to give me a fairly accurate number of spools of thread that are here in our workroom.  All kinds of thread.  Here are the results for the 20 attendees:

4,438 spools
based on an average price of $8/spool, that is $35,504
based on an average yardage of 750/spool, that is 3,328,500 yds
That is the equivalent of ~1,891 miles.  8 round trips from Minneapolis to Augusta, WI!  Or a little more than Grace's return flight to Florida!

Tonight is movie and popcorn for those that want to give the machines a rest.  Tomorrow is finish up and pack up for our return to the real world.  We have a list of people who will return next spring for Round 2!

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