Saturday, September 22, 2012


 It's really time now to get serious about frightening things.  If you haven't already made something to add to your Halloween decor, this is just the thing!  We have a slick little project--

Jack O. Lantern from Quilt Company Patterns
The best part is that this comes in a little kit with pre-cut pieces and directions.  It just doesn't get much better than that, and will be done in no time at all!  We were all out of the kits, but our stock has been replenished.  So now is the time to make your move.  Come in or call (651-429-1039).

And if you want to work on something a little more involved, but still totally fun for Halloween, take a peek at this wonderful needlework design from Crabapple Hill.

Which Witch's Boot
Sharon stitched this up for display, quilting by Janet Hanson, Grand Quilted Glories.  Beautiful!
  The stitchery includes shading with the use of crayons, adding a whole new dimension.

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