Saturday, May 19, 2012

International Quilt Market continued

Shopping for Bear Patch is a tough job, but somebody has to do it!  More pictures of our findings for our great customers--
Laurel and Debbie with Marilyn Forman, the genius behind great patterns from Quilt Moments.  Another fabulous MN designer, that quilt in the background will be popping up at the shop sometime soon if Laurel can just get a few minutes at her machine!  Watch for it on a future class list.

Rick Rasmussen is a super sales rep for Norhtcott Fabric.  He tempted us with many lovely choices, and we couldn't resist this darling childrens' line Robotex.  Looks like another quilt for my #1 grandson!

Laurel with Gudrun E. of GE Designs.  This one's for you, Anne!

Here I am with 2 lovely ladies from Whistlepig Creek, some of our favorite bag ladies!  They assist Sue so she can come up with more great designs.  That black and white one in the background is also made up in colors and was my personal favorite.

Bari J. designed a gorgeous line of fabric called Lilly Belle for Art Gallery Fabrics and it was too good to pass up.  Plus she was so welcoming and great to talk to about ideas for her fabric.

This is Fabiana, the Art Gallery Fabrics rep that helped us choose coordinates to go with the Lilly Belle fabrics.  She was so fun to work with because we could tell she really was excited about her work.  Don't you love it when you meet people like that?

We wrapped up the day with a stop at Buttermilk Basin to talk with Stacy West.  This one's for you, Kristina!  Another fabulous MN designer, I don't understand how she continues to produce more great ideas that make me want to gather up my wool and stitch.  Many of the samples displayed in her booth bear the mark of Kristina, a ghost stitcher for Stacy to get everything done.  And I have to admit my own little special interest in Stacy's patterns because she lets me do some quilting for her!

That sums up most of what we did on Day One, except for the pictures in Debbie's camera that we can't download yet.  More fun to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, and wish I was there! Can't wait to see the new goods you ate finding.
