Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Window Update

 We have changed our front window display, the Christmas theme had definitely worn out its welcome!  It is not always easy to assemble the window displays, or even come up with the idea for what we want it to be.  We like to have several new samples of projects and designs all prepared to display, along with the accompanying patterns.  At the moment, we don't have that ready to go with new projects, so we resorted to an idea that we have tossed around before.  We decided to show examples of our own early quilting and handwork items, and I gathered up several of my own oldies-but-goodies.  I tried to label and explain them so they sort of track my own story.  Some of the highlights:

My first large quilt turned out to be unappealing to me-that tan/blue/orange bag on the left is outcome! 
 On the left is a very large tote bag with wooden dowel handles.  I cut up that first unfinished quilt top to make it!  That bag with the pink and brown is actually an entire dresden plate block, quilted and folded in half with a zipper across the top.  A little plaid project bag with the most difficult zipper insertion that I have ever done!  And a simple little sewing notions bag.

My obsession with bags of all shapes and sizes.

Several more examples of tote bags--a Sue Spargo bag on the left with wool applique, I participated in a small group challenge so we could all trade tapestry and wool scraps;  a Halloween bag with embroidery; a few little hexagons appliqued on osnaburg cloth; and a bag with grommets at the top.

Other handcrafts--
The blue and white items at the top of the picture are special to me because they represent the time I spent in Sweden (1971-72) and learned weaving.   The little pillow on the bottom left is a perfect example of my 1980's counted cross stitch--teddy bear, hearts, rust and green with ruffles!  The white pillow also has lovely eyelet ruffles, and was a hand quilting assignment for my first quilting class taken at the Cotton Shop in Richfield.  Top right is one of my very first mostly successful projects, a Thimbleberries tablerunner with the backing folded around to the front for binding--a technique I have never used again!

My present day quilts that are my own designs!
Which pretty much brings us to the 21st century, and my own line of patterns!  The ones pictured above are Chill Pill, Star Light and One Row To Go.  Emmaline Design is my business name for pattern designs and longarm quilting.  It is a lot of fun for me to learn the ropes of having my own business.  Since I am often asked the question "Who is Emmaline", I will tell you that it was the middle name of one of my grandmothers.  I wanted to choose a business name that did not pertain entirely to quilts, so this gives me the freedom to change focus if I choose.  See, there's a lot to think about with just picking a name!  Now try to name a few patterns, and you will get caught up in my conundrum of lists of names!
I hope you enjoy this little peek into my background, and I am hoping we can do the same with our store owners in the future!

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