Friday, August 13, 2010

Quilts For Kids workday

We are setting up for a fun day of working on new little quilts for donation to local hospitals for the children that need a quiltie hug. Here is one of many that were brought today from the Northern Material Girls quilt guild from North St. Paul, MN. I love this one, made from a cut panel and stitched between the blocks with a feather stitch. I want this panel!!
More to come....

1 comment:

  1. Just read your comment on Misses Stitches, you CAN be a Green Bag Lady! Just start making bags and giving them away! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Let me know if you do, the pattern and how to video is on the site.

    I bet with your sewing skills, you could make them in your sleep. BTW, my mom grew up very near White Bear Lake and I grew up in New Brighton, my hubby is from Minnetonka. :) Green Bag Lady Teresa
