Monday, June 21, 2010

In the past we've shown off pictures of both Debbie and Pam with their fishing experiences. This picture is from Laurel's vacation a couple of weeks ago. You'll probably notice that it's not me in the picture. That's my husband George, showing off his bass. I'm just positive that the hat is what attracted this bass to bite in the first place! He discovered that humming birds like Bernina red, too! I have to confess that I wasn't even in the boat that morning. Although I do love to fish (And yes, I bait my own hook, even with leeches, and take all but northerns off the hook), I'm kind of a fair weather fisherperson. It was windy so I was back at the cabin sewing on my Bernina! I really did catch quite a few fish, just none this big--and I got quite a bit of sewing done!

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