Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final Day of Shop Hop 2010 and Bouquet Day

It's hard to believe that Shop Hop 2010 has come and gone. What a fun-filled 3 days. Besides being a busy Shop Hop day, Saturday was also Bouquet Day for all of the White Bear Merchants. To make a beautiful bouquet all you needed to do was stop into 1 of the 28 participating shops to receive a flower for your bouquet. Best of all, it was actually May Day! Mary Herschleb was our invited guest- her new "Just Another Bag" was her biggest hit. We even had a Prom mini fashion show as Sue S's. son and date and Debbie's niece stopped in for what has become a family tradition during Shop Hop. (You really don't have to get that dressed up to Hop!) Monday evening will be the drawing for winners of Shop Hop as the shop owners join together for dinner Monday night. Will you be the lucky winner? Next's years Shop Hop is already in the works. Don't forget to stop in to see class samples. Sign up begins Saturday, May 8th. Thanks for a great Hop!

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