Saturday, May 22, 2010

3rd Day of Quilt Market

Had a wonderful day today greeting friends of old and meeting new pattern designers. We can't wait until Monday! Make sure you join us from 1 - 4pm or 6 - 9 pm for a chance to meet Barri Sue from Bareroots. We will be serving yummy mini cupcakes from Keys

Debbie and Laurel with Terry Atkinson- ask us about "Groovy Girls!:

Getting to know a new friend- Katherine of hemma patterns. She's right from St. Paul!

Debbie with Jerry- one of our fantastic fabric reps!

Aren't these fun? A whole book of holiday designs from GE Designs- Fast and Furious Holiday

Laurel with Mary from MH Designs. Her "Just Another Bag" is a huge hit! Good job, Mary.

Jeanne made us so proud with her fantastic sample and demos while she represented our Bernina Sewing Center at the Kreinik booth!

Fun, new pattern from the Wooden Spool

We have one last day to find new patterns and products to bring home to Bear Patch! The 15 hour days are long but we are having a wonderful time! Bear Patch has had so many people visiting from all over the world. Many have stopped to say how much they enjoyed visiting our store.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful pics from quilt market. If you read this before Barri leaves tell her we will miss her at stitching tonight.
