Sunday, October 19, 2008

Have a Heart

Our silent auction is well underway  but we need your help!  We have many worthy items, all handcrafted and donated by our employees and supporters.  They are lovingly made and carefully displayed for your careful consideration.  Each is looking for a new home, just waiting to delight you or a loved one!  And they important part--this is a CHARITY AUCTION!  Every cent that is collected will be sent to the American Heart Association to help make a difference in the lifespan of yourself and everyone you know.  Christmas is coming, and rather than turn over your $$ to a giant corporation, just stop in and do your shopping from our auction items.  I know you have a heart, so saddle up and do your part!   Call (651-429-1039) or email ( to submit your bid right now!  More pictures to follow...
Pam (and her posse)

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